TV Game/PC Game/《Longvinter》Performance fixes & Community highlight


We noticed some of the translations were poorly done and they break the UI in some of the vendors. We are working to fix these issues ASAP. We are also still working on the server performance and opening new servers as there is a demand. 2 more US servers coming today!

We also wanted to mention that there is a community created website of the game Vinternote. The website offers a great map of the game which can help new players out completing their compendiums.

Click the image to open the map

We pushed a small update today:

  • Fixed fuel duplication bug when adding fuel to generators or home
  • Fixed home electricity showing wrong values when adding fuel
  • Fixed portable generators not changing total home electricity on clients
  • Fixed chests and vendors getting stuck saying that they are in use
  • Improved server performance by 15%

Common issues:

  • Game doesn’t start (nothing appears on screen when clicking Play) – Restart Steam to fix it.
  • Vintercoins not appearing after purchase – The game sometimes doesn’t show the coins right away, you can still find them in your Steam Inventory, Restarting the game usually fixes the issue.

We had a small issue with the update, we applied a fix shortly after. Instead of 100 player capacity we accidently set maximum player capacity to 1000. 
